Scrappy Hats

Hi, Iā€™m Ashley, a proud Mom of two (5 year old Sydney, and 3.5 year old Ryker) living north of Boston.While studying abroad in Australia, I noticed the local schools and parks were plastered with "NO HAT NO PLAY" signs. This warning stuck with me for years as I wondered why we don't take the same simple yet significant precautions here in the States. I scoured the internet for hats that my kids would actually wear but also didn't make them look like infants or mini teenagers. So, in the dark months of quarantine, Scrappy hats was born. It's been a fun (yet exhaustive and long) process to create this little biz, but I am so excited to share it with you and can't wait to see what the future holds.


Lit by Lordy


Shoppe 267